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  • Writer's pictureaespaintball

New Field Update

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

We are working strong at our north location. We will be bringing our guest a new playing field later this year. We will be starting from scratch on this one so it will take some time to make sure it’s right. This new map is replacing the “Castle” field, also known as our showcase field. It is the first field that you see and is close to staging so this field will be Supreme. We have had many discussions on what to theme it and came up with some pretty solid ideas. We will be working from the ground up so things could change on the fly. We have been doing dirt work for the last couple of months and are just now ready for seed.

This project will be a challenging one for us. it has to be designed in a way to have 2 fields on it. Since the area is so big we will design it to be utilized on our weekend parties along with expanding it for big games and final battles. So put yourself In our shoes and help us with design. We care about what our customers think. We love input; good or bad. So.. with that being said, if you see one of us, let us know. Stayed tuned for more information about our new field.

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