This game is shaping up to be one of the best at Avid! We have taken the popular board game RISK and put our little spin on it. We have divided up the entire playing facility into 5 continents. Each continent will have 2 countries and 1 capital inside them. Every single thing on the map is wanted and needed! There will be missions going all day to Incorporate them in the game play. Those will be able to earn you rewards flags that which you can hang at a capital location once you own the entire country!
I told you thins game is going to be rad.
This game is going on all weekend long at Avid Extreme Sports Park. June 4th and 5th 2022!
Register early online or wait till day of the choice is yours. But you will not want to miss this game.
register here

With my daughters dance recital that weekend I’ll undoubtedly miss some, but I can’t wait to get out to casino night and see everyone.